ΓΔ: 1469.25 0.37% Τζίρος: 78.31 εκ. € Τελ. ενημέρωση: 17:25:03 ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ
Φωτο: Υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης

Skrekas: The battle against the increases in prices is constant

As noted by the Minister of Development "for the first time the prices of products in supermarkets in May are down (-1.25%) compared to the same month last year."

“The race to check the increase in prices is constant. That is precisely why the trend of falling prices in supermarkets, as recorded in the IELKA survey, proves that the measures have gradual effects, creating the conditions for further de-escalation," stated Development Minister Kostas Skrekas on Wednesday, referring to an IELKA survey which found that supermarket prices in May 2024 were lower than in the same month in 2023.

"Product prices dropped in supermarkets for the first time in May (-1.25 percent) in comparison with the same month in 2023, while 14 of 23categories of products recorded a drop for the first time," Skrekas said. "The battle to check the increase in prices is constant. This is precisely why the trend of falling prices in supermarkets, as recorded in the IELKA survey, proves that the measures are having gradual effects, creating the conditions for further de-escalation. Greece has taken the most drastic measures of any other European country and these are beginning to bear fruit despite the negative and sterile criticism of the opposition. But we are interested in the benefit of consumers and their families. That's why we don't stop, we keep going. With measures that address the root of the problem and will have a permanent effect," Skrekas concluded.


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