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Promoting Electromobility Nationwide: New plan for the development of electromobility

The new buisiness plan includes drafting policies at ministerial level, providing incentives for introducing electromobility to the national infrastructure, and aligning state policy with the EU's Clean Energy Package and Clean Mobility Package programs.

A joint ministerial decision was published on Monday, which will see an interministerial committee set up to design and implement a new business plan for the development of electromobility. 

The new commmittee's project, titled 'Promoting Electromobility Nationwide', includes drafting policies at ministerial level, providing incentives for introducing electromobility to the national infrastructure, and aligning state policy with the EU's Clean Energy Package and Clean Mobility Package programs, to change public and private means of transportation based on renewable energy sources.

The business plan is projected to be ready by June 30, 2020, and will revise Greece's energy policy to gradually introduce eco-friendly, efficient vehicles at both private and public level.

Secretary General for Energy and Fossil Fuels Alexandra Sdoukou will chair the committee, which will include secretaries general of related ministries, academics, local government officials, and agency representatives, among others.

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