ΓΔ: 1423.09 2.12% Τζίρος: 79.51 εκ. € Τελ. ενημέρωση: 15:26:33 DATA
Kostis Xatzidakis, Kostis Hatzidakis, Ypourgeio Oikonomikon
Φωτο; Υπ. Εθνικής Οικονομίας και Οικονομικών

Κ. Hadzidakis: 2.3 million citizens will benefit, how 352 million will be given

Support of €200 to 225,000 recipients of disability benefits from EFKA and OPEKA, €150 to pensioners without personal difference and a one-off increase for the child benefit.

The strong course of budget execution creates the necessary fiscal space for the surplus to reach the target of 1.1% of GDP for 2023, i.e. 352 million euros, which will be "returned to vulnerable citizens at Christmas", as the Minister of Economy and Finance, Kostis Hatzidakis, pointed out. 

Specialising the support, which the Prime Minister had announced anyway, the "Social Solidarity Allowance" concerns citizens in greatest need, while the new support measure concerns a total of 2.3 million citizens.

The following are included in the "Social Solidarity Allowance": 

  • 1.5 instalment of child benefit in December. The cost is 125 million and the beneficiaries reach 800,000. If, for example, a parent receives a monthly allowance of €100 for his/her children, in December he/she will receive a total of €250. 
  • 50% of the monthly instalment of the minimum guaranteed income. The cost is 24 million and there are 210,000 beneficiaries
  • Disabled persons: 200 euro allowance, at a cost of 45 million and 225,000 beneficiaries.
  • Pensioners who do not have a minimum personal allowance or whose personal allowance is less than €10 and whose main pension does not exceed €700. The measure also includes uninsured senior citizens. The benefit will be €150, the cost is estimated at €158 million and the number of beneficiaries is 1 055 000.

At the same time Mr.Hatzidakis stressed that by the end of the year five more income support measures will be paid, which have already been announced. These are the following:

  • Extraordinary financial support from 100 to 200 euros for pensioners with a "personal difference".
  • A double market pass for residents in Thessaly's most deprived areas.
  • Provision of a heating allowance with provision for a heating allowance for electricity as well.
  • Youth Pass. Financial assistance to 200,000 18 and 19 year olds has no asset or income criteria.
  • An 8% increase in the Minimum Guaranteed Income.


Child benefits: For every 100 euros each parent now receives per month, in December they will receive an additional 150. That is, if he theoretically receives for his children for the child allowance 100 euros. In December, an amount of €250 will be credited to the account. 

Example of a parent with two children and an income of 6,000 to 10,000 euros. He currently receives EUR 84 per month, will receive an additional EUR 126 and will end up receiving EUR 210 instead of EUR 84 in December. A family with four children with an income of between €10,000 and €15,000. Today for the four children they receive an allowance of 168 euros per month, they will receive an additional 252 euros, i.e. in total from 168 euros in December to 420 euros.

Pensioners: A 150 euro subsidy to pensioners with no personal difference or with a personal difference in case of less than 10 euro and a main pension of up to 700 euro. These pensioners will get an extra €150 in December, but will also get an increase of around 3% from January onwards. Because of the well-known and fixed arrangement after the thawing of pensions last year.

Example, a pensioner with a main pension, 600 euros will get an increase anyway. About 3% increase will receive an increase of a total of 216 euros per year. If we include this EUR 150 one-off payment, he will receive an increase totalling EUR 366 per year. In other words, this pensioner, instead of receiving a 3% increase, will receive an increase of 5.1%.

Second example, a pensioner with a main pension of EUR 700 would in any case receive an increase of EUR 252 per year on the basis of 3%. If the one-off payment of €150 is included, he would receive an increase of €402 per year in total and this pensioner would have an increase of 4.8%.

An additional 50% in the monthly allowance for beneficiaries of the minimum guaranteed income. Recall that beneficiaries of the minimum guaranteed income will see another permanent 8% increase in December.A couple with two children have so far received a 400 euro allowance from the minimum solidarity income. They will now receive a monthly increase of 32 euros. They will receive an additional 216 euros in the exceptional allowance, which means that in December they will receive a total of 648 euros instead of the 400 euros they would normally receive.

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