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Φωτο: Mytilineos

IAI welcomes Mytilineos as New Member

Mytilineos is established as one of the strongest international players in the Metallurgy sector and one of Greece's healthiest growing industrial companies, having operated for almost 60 years.

The International Aluminium Institute (IAI) has today announced that MYTILINEOS has become one of its members. 
MYTILINEOS is established as one of the strongest international players in the Metallurgy sector and one of Greece's healthiest growing industrial companies, having operated for almost 60 years. It is the largest vertically integrated bauxite, alumina and aluminium producer in the European Union.

“With more than half a century of operations, we are proud to join the only body representing the global primary aluminium industry. Our Metallurgy Business Unit employs directly nearly 1.200 people and has a consolidated turnover of app. €700 m. which represents 14.8% of the Company’s total turnover (Q3 2022). MYTILINEOS has a €600 million investment injection, one of the largest private investments in the country. We will use the investment for the sustainable development of our plants,” said Mr. Dimitrios Stefanidis, General Manager of MYTILINEOS’ Metallurgy Business Unit.

“We are delighted to welcome MYTILINEOS as an IAI member,” said Miles Prosser, IAI Secretary General. 

“MYTILINEOS focus on the wellbeing of its people, respect for the environment and responsible production of bauxite, alumina and aluminium aligns with IAI’s values and goals for a safe, fair and sustainable global aluminium industry, and so we are delighted to welcome them into our membership. Mytilineos’ membership strengthens the global voice of the IAI and that of a sustainable aluminium industry,” Mr Prosser noted.

The IAI was established in 1972. Current IAI membership includes global bauxite, alumina and aluminium companies in all the major producing regions.

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