ΓΔ: 1428.39 0.63% Τζίρος: 126.53 εκ. € Τελ. ενημέρωση: 17:25:02 ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ
Φωτο: ΑΠΕ

Andreas Athanasopoulos takes on crucial role at Eurobank

According to sources, Athanasopoulos will take responsibility for critical sectors of the bank: its retail, digital transformation and in general the group’s operational transformation.

Andreas Athanasopoulos returns to the domestic banking system with an expanded scope of responsibilities, assuming the position of Deputy CEO at the Eurobank group, after a successful career at the Dixons group.

According to sources, Athanasopoulos will take responsibility for critical sectors of the bank: its retail, digital transformation and in general the group’s operational transformation. The appointment of Athanasopoulos takes place after the departure of Theodoros Kalantonis who took over as managing director of loan management company FPS.

The strengthening of the management team comes after the completion of the Acceleration Plan, which enabled Eurobank to be the first among the systemic banks to get rid of most of its non-performing loans and marks the group's effort to strengthen its position in the domestic banking system in the post crisis period.

The rebirth of Kotsovolos

Andreas Athanasopoulos took over as Vice President and Managing Director of Dixons southeast Europe in July 2013, resigning as General Manager of National Bank. He is credited with reviving Kotsovolos by boosting its market share in a highly competitive market and returning it to profitability. Athanasopoulos proceeded with the radical operational redesign of Kotsovolos and the implementation of significant investments with an emphasis on the integration of digital technologies.

In 2018 the Dixons group upgraded Athanasopoulos who moved to London to head office to take over the position of Group Chief Customer Officer & CEO Financial Services. Under the management of Athanasopoulos were the group's activities on Consumer insights, Global analytics, Customer Proposition Design, Marketing Communications and Consumer Financial services. Additionally, he took on the supervision of the entire IT and Technology Infrastructure sector of the Group (CTO).

Extensive banking experience

From 2008 to 2013, Athanasopoulos held the position of General Manager of Retail Banking at National Bank. He was responsible for managing the group's liquidity at the level of individuals and small businesses while managing the troubled loan portfolio of individuals and small businesses. In addition, he was responsible for many major projects at of the bank, such as the consolidation of CRM practices throughout the branch network.

He has worked as a senior manager in the field of retail banking and marketing for 15 years, under his supervision very large teams and projects in various markets in Europe. In addition, he has served as a senior lecturer at Warwick Business School in England for 5 years and is a visiting professor and member of the Advisory Board of Nottingham Business School.

He studied Mathematics at the University of Patras, holds an MSc in Statistics and Operational Research from the University of Essex and a PhD in Operational Research from the Warwick Business School.

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