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Staikouras, Ypourgeio Oikonomikon, YPOIK
Φωτο: Menelaos Myrillas / SOOC

Staikouras holds series of contacts, investors confirm interest in Greece

Staikouras represented Greece at Eurogroup and Ecofin meetings, took part, as a speaker, in international conferences and fora and held meetings with representatives of investment and banking groups who expressed and/or confirmed their investment interest in Greece.

Finance Minister Christos Staikouras held a series of contacts over the last nine days, in which the confidence of partners, institutions, investors and financial organizations in the positive course and the auspicious prospects of the Greek economy - despite the multi-level imported difficulties - was confirmed, according to a finance ministry's announcement.

Staikouras represented Greece at Eurogroup and Ecofin meetings, took part, as a speaker, in international conferences and fora and held meetings with representatives of investment and banking groups, who expressed and/or confirmed their investment interest in Greece.

In particular, on Monday, December 5, the Minister of Finance went to Brussels, where he participated in the Eurogroup meeting, in which a landmark decision was taken for Greece. A decision that rewards the intensive and systematic work of society and the state, through the activation of the latest measures for the Greek debt relief.

The following day, Tuesday, December 6, Staikouras participated in the Ecofin meeting, during which the Commission's proposals for the revision of the European Economic Governance Framework were presented. The Finance Minister pointed out that the specific proposals are a good basis for further discussion, stressing that there are some areas that need improvement.

Afterwards, Staikouras went to New York, where he held a series of meetings with representatives of investment and banking groups from December 7 to December 9. On Thursday, December 8, the Finance Minister attended the Closing Bell Ceremony of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), where Greece was the honored country.

On Friday, December 9, the Minister of Finance presented, from the floor of the annual Capital Link Investment Conference, entitled "24th Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum", the achievements of the Greek economy, stressing that the government has succeeded in strengthening the resilience of the Greek economy in a particularly difficult situation, and analyzed the central axes and objectives of the economic policy.

On Saturday, December 10, Staikouras went to London, where he was the keynote speaker at the 28th Annual Christmas Gala of the Hellenic Bankers Association UK.  On Tuesday, December 13, he went to Paris, where he was a speaker at the official opening of the Greek-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry "Greece-France Cooperation 2.0: Investing in the future".

During his speech, after referring to the close relations between the two countries, he presented the current state of the Greek economy, its positive prospects, despite the increased risks, and the policies to support society - mainly, those in greater need - as well as economic development.

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